Monday, May 9, 2011


I absolutely love a nice ice cold fruppachino, but with the prices at Starbucks around $4 to $5 each, I don't get that treat as often. I remember reading in blog land a while back a trick to make your own. Freeze in ice cube trays your left over coffee in the mornings. This way when you make your own fruppachino you can use frozen coffee instead of ice cubes to make it less watery. Yummy!!
The latest Good Housekeeping magazine also mentions this tip. To fill you in on a secret, Target sell these packets of Fruppachino mixes, that when added to your cold coffee and now coffee ice cubes too make the most yummy fruppachino at a fraction of the Starbucks cost. (Look for them in the coffee section at Target - Archer Farms brand)

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